Car Advertising Benefits

Improve your Marketing Efforts with Car Advertising

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Car Advertising is often grouped up with other kinds of offline advertising. This is Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could just create an advertising campaign which is guaranteed to generate millions of impressions like TV and Radio ads, would spread throughout your target area without going through the trouble of actually physically placing it, like pamphlet advertisement, and cost the same irrespective of the popularity of the location, unlike billboard ads?

And guess what, Car Advertising provides you with all those things! Your solution to effective marketing campaigns with guaranteed impressions throughout your target area.

Car Advertising has some inherent advantages that help you make that special connection with your customers. Our clients have seen tangible results on their car advertisements and are more than happy to conduct further marketing campaigns with us.

And not without reason. We list out 7 key reasons on why car branding is different and is a very powerful form of advertisement that will help you connect with your audience:

1. Get your ad to popular Locations with minimal cost

Advertising at locations where people gather always costs a premium. And why wouldn’t it? It is an easy way to gather impressions and display brand messages. Eyeballs are everywhere and most are likely to fall on your ad board. There is a huge competition among advertisers for such locations, namely marketplaces, tourist spots, malls, and would cost a large part of your marketing budget to put your ads in such places.

Car Advertising provides you with a way to bypass such hassles at a minimal cost. Think about it. Most people are likely to use cab services to get to such locations. Cab services with your advertisements on them. You wouldn’t have to pay any premium, but still, your ad would be seen among others that have paid an extra amount to be displayed there.

2. Close to your Customers with Car Advertising

What’s better than getting millions of impressions at minimal cost? Getting impressions that matter. With car advertisements, you will get that too.

In today’s world, the advent of cab aggregators has made cars an increasingly integral part of your customer’s daily lives. Whether it be visiting relatives, exploring new locations, shopping or just daily commute, cabs are the most preferred means of transportation.

This provides the double advantage of getting involved in the daily lives of customers as well as your ads being displayed in various locales such as residential areas and office spaces, where it is very difficult to penetrate with any other form of offline advertising.

3. It’s Car Branding (but also a Static Billboard, in a sense)

Your ad will be equally visible in a moving car as well as when it is stationary. So when cabs with your ads are on a standstill, it acts as a static billboard. And more often than not, many cabs take a stop at very popular locations at a city to increase the chance of getting their next ride. Increasing the likelihood of your ads being seen by many people.

4. Impressions are a Foregone Conclusion

No longer do you have to worry about getting impressions for your ads. Cars revolve around people and their lives, and it is a foregone conclusion that your car ads would at least get a million impressions.

When you work with us, you can put your full focus on converting this flood of impressions into sales. And put aside the plan of getting enough impressions.out of your marketing white paper.

5. Car Advertising completely covers your target city

Car Branding does not have the problem of distribution. With other forms of offline advertising, such as pamphlets and billboards, it is often difficult to reach out to the whole city. With many moving parts, the task becomes more complex to execute and monitor.

As you can imagine, there are no such issues with car advertising. Your ads will automatically be shown around the city when cars are riding their customers to their destinations. Including hard to reach places like residential areas and office areas as well as popular locations such as malls, marketplaces, airports, railway stations and bus stops.

6. Not easy to Ignore

Advertisements by nature are designed to be noticed. Most marketers work extremely hard to make their advertisements stand out. To their credit, most ads are really beautiful and noticeable. And that is where the problem lies. There is a saturation of quality ads in the market competing for customer’s attention.

With car advertising, you can put aside the competition and be the only one vying for your customer’s attention. Almost 86% of the car advertisement viewers have completed reading everything in the advertisement.

7. Effective Analytics

Okay, this is not necessarily an advantage in car advertising unless such facilities are provided, which we do. In this age of digital analytics, tracking the performance of offline advertising channels has always been comparatively difficult. But there are many ways through which offline advertisements still has many advantages over their online marketing counterparts. If you are interested, you can read more on Offline advertising isn’t dead.

We provide a robust tracking system which provides a complete picture of where your ads have been, as well as the overall performance of your ads. Comparatively, it is hard to provide such analysis in other kinds of offline advertisements, because they are difficult to track and measure.


We provide a robust tracking system which provides a complete picture of where your ads have been, as well as the overall performance of your ads. Comparatively, it is hard to provide such analysis in other kinds of offline advertisements, because they are difficult to track and measure.

If you would like to know more about car advertising, you can give a call to 9066774457 or write to us at Begin your car advertising journey with BrandOnWheelz, most trusted car advertising company in India.

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