Clearly, Life as a whole for each one of us will change A.C (After Covid ) Lockdown is lifted. Priorities & Lifestyle is expected to change. The global forced lockdown during the Covid crisis has made bizarre yet relevant thoughts to people – Example: “Why would I fly down to Delhi from Bangalore for 1 meeting & spend nothing less than INR 20,000/- for that trip, rather I could do the same 1 meeting via Video Conference, imagine the time & money saved & the Traffic ufff…!!”
This Pandemic has taught the entire human race on What Fear is, what it is to be stripped off from your freedom to even walk around out of your home !! & People have been so glued into the Covid related death rates, lockdowns, economic disasters, employment & mere survivability that most of us have totally forgotten the best advertising campaign we saw B.C (Before Covid).
It is important for Brands to be on top of people’s minds. Brand Recall plays a vital role in getting more customers to stick with your brand as well as to buy your brand repeatedly. In simple terms, brand recall is a qualitative measure of the consumer’s ability to remember the name of a brand. It is a component of brand awareness that measures the spontaneous recall of the brand from memory when the customer is prompted by the product category to make a decision for purchase.
Irrespective of whether your Brand was able to run the most successful Marketing Campaign or no matter how many awards or accolades the Brand achieved for a fabulous advertisement B.C (Before Covid) – is now either out or grim in Consumer’s mind. It is of Paramount importance to elevate Brand Recall to remind your consumers & to Stay Fresh in their minds. Few suggestions:
- Relaunch your most successful Ad campaign of B.C (Before Covid) period, once again A.C (After Covid) lockdown. (Make it even more better this time)
- Re-visit the Planned Marketing Campaigns of B.C Period, your team must have put a lot of energy & research in chalking out that plan, Tweak them/Modify them to suit the situation of A.C period
- Marketing budgets in some cases might be a constraint, forcing you to re-evaluate the plans. In that case : re-negotiate the terms & rates with your Vendor. The Vendor as well would have dried up with no business in the last many months, they will be happy to do business with lesser margins.
- Come up with New Campaigns (Sure, you would have got some really cool ideas – Thanks to the Forced Lockdown period), Look for Cost-Effective platforms that can cover larger impressions/eyeballs at lower rates.
- Please do not mix up Brand Recall campaigns with Lead generation Campaigns. Both have their own purpose & objectives.
- Execute Fast, Brands have lost a lot of business, already
It’s a Comeback for all Brands and a Positive approach to the Future is the only Strong way out.
“It’s a Fresh Start and an opportunity to start it all over – one more time – only better, this time”