flex banners banned in bangalore

No More Flex Banners in Bangalore

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Are you a brand based out of Bangalore? Do you use flex hoardings as a means of advertising for your business? Wait!!! Your means of advertising might just be in trouble. In the news dated Aug 2nd (Times of India) “BBMP pulled down 19000 flex boards and banners which were polluting the cityscape.” 

no flex banners

In a circular issued by the high court, It was stated that “If the flex ban was violated, everyone, including advertisers, publishers, printers and the person whose photo appears on such material, would be liable for criminal prosecution.” But flex hoarding advertising is used 70% higher than all the other means of advertising for the local businesses. if your business is in trouble because of this ban? Then I suggest you read ahead.
BrandOnWheelz is one of the leading car advertising agencies in Bangalore. With over 30000 Ola’s and Uber’s running in the Bangalore roads, BrandOnWheelz could just be your perfect fix for the ban on flex hoardings. 

Car advertising brandonwheelz

In BrandOnWheelz all the customers no matter how high or low the purchase are given equal priority. Just Imagine- You hit the road for a walk and you see every single car in the road promoting your brand and not just local areas our cars travel 165 Kms+ covering all major areas and main junctions in just 1 day. All this at a very economical price.

So, if your brand advertising is in trouble after the new law passed by the HC or if you’re looking for new means of advertising..

Then just give BrandOnWheelz a try. We promise you, you will get addicted to us and keep coming again.

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