Innovative Roadshow Campaign

Brand On Wheelz x O’cean Beverages

About BrandOnWheelz

India’s Most Trusted Transit Media Advertising Company, Known for its Out of the Box marketing campaigns & Flawless execution. With over 80% return customers YoY, BrandonWheelz remains the most favorite with all of its customers.

Commanding Pride of working with over 300 Small & Big brands, uplifting the lives of over 5L drivers & workers PAN India. In Addition to its core specialization in Cab branding, BrandonWheelz today has expanded to Metro branding, Aviation branding, Auto branding, Bus branding & Drone advertising. a brain-child of BrandonWheelz offers access to over 200+ in-app mobile apps under one roof for Brands to select from.

About O’cean Beverages

O’cean Fruit Water is not just fruit-flavoured bottled water, its hydration with a plus. It has added electrolytes, vitamins and natural fruit flavours that make everyone just want to drink more. It’s the smarter way to hydrate. It is strategically priced for mass-premium India – an addressable market of over 350 million consumers. More than 50% of India is under 26. They spend their lives seeking new experiences – exploring, enjoying, and amplifying every moment, often through social media.

Product Overview

O’cean Beverages is a brand that inspires smarter hydration – always innovating new ways to get people to meet their daily hydration targets. To launch their new Lively Lychee Fruit Water,they have collaborated with Indian cricket superstar Virat Kohli, to create a limited edition #CheerforIndia bottle.

Objective: To generate awareness about healthy rehydrating options during sports activities & especially during the ICC World Cup 2023 Season


Cricket isn’t just a sport in India; it’s a cultural phenomenon. Millions of fans across the nation are glued to their screens, cheering on their favorite teams and players, particularly the iconic Virat Kohli. However, this dedicated viewership often translates to missed brand exposure during daily commutes and other out-of-home activities.

We at Brandonwheelz saw a gap, a golden opportunity: capitalize on captive audiences stuck in traffic or on public transport. Our ingenious solution? Transforming everyday vehicles into mobile billboards, specifically targeting cricket fans.

Let’s imagine you’re stuck in rush hour traffic, and suddenly, a car whizzes past, emblazoned with a larger-than-life image of Virat Kohli, proudly endorsing his brand partnership with O’cean beverages. This visually striking experience instantly grabs your attention and creates a powerful association between the beloved cricketer, the refreshing drink, and our branding strategy.

Special Campaign Objective

  1. Enhance Brand Recall: Through interactive games and challenges, we seek to imprint the O’cean brand in the minds of participants, associating it with fun and excitement.
  2. Social Media Buzz: Leverage user-generated content and social media engagement to amplify the campaign’s reach, creating a digital footprint for O’cean.
  3. Community Building: Foster a sense of community and connection among participants by providing them with entertaining and shareable experiences centered around O’cean Beverages and the importance of hydrating this season with “Lively Lychee”

Target audience

The target market would be health enthusiasts who want something more than just plain water after a workout or hard day’s work.

  • Health-conscious individuals: Their “Ocean Fruit Water” targets people who desire a healthier alternative to sugary drinks, offering electrolytes, vitamins, and fruit flavours for hydration and taste.
  • Fitness enthusiasts: The “Ocean Energy Drink” caters to those seeking functional beverages that can support their active lifestyles.
  • General consumers: O’cean Beverages also offers regular flavoured water and potentially other beverage options that might appeal to a broader audience seeking refreshing and flavourful drinks.

Age: Likely skews towards young adults and adults (18-45 years) not gender specific, encompassing individuals focused on health, fitness, and environmental consciousness. However, some products also appeal to older adults seeking healthier beverage options.

Demographics: O’cean Beverages likely targets individuals with disposable income interested in healthy and sustainable choices. This could include professionals, students, athletes, and health-conscious individuals across various income levels.


Cricket isn’t just a sport in India; it’s a cultural phenomenon. Millions of fans across the nation are glued to their screens, cheering on their favorite teams and players, particularly the iconic Virat Kohli. However, this dedicated viewership often translates to missed brand exposure during daily commutes and other out-of-home activities.

We at Brandonwheelz saw a gap, a golden opportunity: capitalize on captive audiences stuck in traffic or on public transport. Our ingenious solution? Transforming everyday vehicles into mobile billboards, specifically targeting cricket fans.

Let’s imagine you’re stuck in rush hour traffic, and suddenly, a car whizzes past, emblazoned with a larger-than-life image of Virat Kohli, proudly endorsing his brand partnership with O’cean beverages. This visually striking experience instantly grabs your attention and creates a powerful association between the beloved cricketer, the refreshing drink, and our branding strategy.

The brilliance lies in the simplicity:

  • Leveraging a shared passion: Cricket is deeply woven into the fabric of Indian society, making it a relatable and impactful platform for brand engagement.
  • Strategic timing: Targeting audiences during their commutes ensures they’re not actively engaged with other media, maximizing the impact of the branding message.
  • Celebrity influence: Virat Kohli’s immense popularity strengthens the brand association, making O’cean beverages instantly recognizable and desirable.
  • Innovation Brandonwheelz’s innovative taxi top campaign for Ocean Beverage, features oversized bottles at the top, ensuring secure presentation and eliminating road hazards. The strategic bottle placement strongly registered the brand in the audience’s mind, achieving remarkable brand recall and heightened awareness. 

Brandonwheelz’s car wrap campaign wasn’t just creative; it was a strategic masterpiece. They understood their audience, identified a unique opportunity, and executed a plan that effectively captured the attention of millions. This case study is a shining example of how effective marketing can be when it taps into cultural passions and leverages innovative strategies.

Our Solution?

Cab Branding

Design Elements

  • Giant O’cean Bottle: The key element is a 5-ft-tall replica O’cean beverage bottle fixed in a reclined position on the taxi roofs.
  • Lively Lychee Branding: The giant bottle is branded with the visuals and colors associated with O’cean’s “Lively Lychee” flavor.
  • Eye-catching Colors: The design likely used Indian Blue to grab the attention of Cricket fans and other sports-passionate people on the road and a tincture of tri color to evoke national pride.
  • Call to Action: The design features a QR code. Scan it to share your interests and participate in the campaign for a chance to win exclusive merchandise or even meet Virat Kohli.

Integration and Engagement

  • We actively started posting about the campaign 4 days prior to the event precisely to maintain the hype and anticipation.
  • During the live roadshow, we planned out various games to engage with participants and encouraged them to participate in the campaign via spot and tag us on Instagram. This created organic posts, mentions and story mentions. Which in turn resulted in overall social media performance and reach.

How did we do it?

Campaign Name: “Spot the O’cean” Challenge Campaign Execution 

BrandonWheelz team faced a unique logistical challenge during the campaign: ensuring the safety and security of the five-foot-tall O’cean bottle displays placed on taxi roofs.


  • Securing the bulky displays on moving vehicles while maintaining visual impact and brand message.
  • Traffic Violations or Vehicle modifications


  • BrandonWheelz strategically positioned the O’cean bottles in a reclined position on the taxi roofs. This innovative approach ensured:
    • Stability: The reclined position minimises wind resistance, keeping the displays in place during city commutes.
    • Use of biodegradable materials and soft materials for enhanced safety for other commuters on the road.
    • Visibility: The bottles remained visually striking, attracting attention and effectively conveying the campaign message.
    • Getting prior RTO approval for vehicle modifications, including full car wraps with branding, to prevent potential violations.

This clever solution allowed us to successfully execute the campaign, with the moving taxis acting as mobile billboards and the campaign itself becoming a testament to the company’s ingenuity.

Medium = Cabs
Number of Cabs = 100
Creative Design = BWZ Team & O’cean Beverages
Campaign Duration = 1 Month

The Design


What is “Scan.Hydrate.Win”?

This limited edition bottle features a ‘Hydrate, Scan. Win.’ promotion for fans to win signed Virat merchandise, tickets to matches and even a chance to meet the sportsman himself.

This was incorporated into a QR code on the bottle that needed to draw attention without distracting from the main visual and the launch of a brand new flavour.

 The resulting label delivers on information, yet makes it look exciting, refreshing and brand new.

Engagement Activities

Like the name ‘Spot The O’cean,’ the campaign showcased a prominent five-foot O’cean bottle on a private cab navigating Mumbai’s vibrant streets. This bold move not only enhances the brand’s road presence but also sparks conversations, making it a noteworthy sensation.

We have also found out that O’cean is present in 12+ colleges in Mumbai City. We carefully studied Mumbai traffic and timing with the help of Halooway and planned an itinerary for a city tour connecting all of these hotspots as follows.

Route Map

Starting Point<<< Bandstand Promenade


  1. Carter Road
  2. Bandra Bandstand
  3. Bandra Reclamation
  4. Snow Man’s
  5. Sophia Collge
  6. Wilson College
  7. Marine Drive
  8. Xavier’s College
  9. Jai Hind College
  10. C College

Ending Point >>> Bandstand Promenade


Typically, there are 200 to 300 eyeballs per kilometre on average as per our field operation team’s calculations.

A total of 63.3 Km*  to cover all these locations, making a loop out of these spots kilometres. 

Interactive Games and Challenges:

1. O’Selfie / Photo Challenge: 

Participants take a selfie/picture with an O’cean drink.

Criteria: Follow O’cean & Brandonwheelz’s Instagram pages & share it as a story

Prize: O’cean drink and merchandise for the lucky winner.

Social Media Engagement:

  1. Participants are encouraged to tag their location, tag: @brandonwheelzhq (official page), tag: O’cean Beverages
  2. Hashtags: #O’cean #spottheO’cean  #O’ceanselfie #BrandOnWheelz #BWZ
  3. Follow the BrandOnWheelz page.
  4. Tag 3 friends to join the campaign.

Winners: Gets to taste the new flavour and capture their taste response and feedbacks.

 Measurement & Analysis

  • Reach and Impressions:

Total Number of Impressions: 500K+ 

Number of people seeing the cabs: 20-30K in a span of 8Hrs

Total Number of Story Mentions: 1K+


Special Activation Event: O’ O’ O’ Christmas

Apart from this, we also did a special 1-Day roadshow on Christmas Eve (December 25th, 2023). 

  • Themed Santa Claus: Traditionally, Santa Claus is depicted as a portly, jolly man with a white beard, and rosy cheeks, and dressed in a red suit with white fur trimmings. This image is widely attributed to the influence of famous carbonated drink advertisements in the early 20th century. 

To create a unique and eye-catching experience, we partnered with O’cean Beverages to introduce a Blue Santa Claus for our Christmas Eve roadshow.

Tagline and Purpose: The Blue Santa’s arrival was accompanied by the tagline: “O’ O’ O’ Merry Christmas”  – a playful twist that incorporated the sound of Santa’s laugh (“O’ O’ O'”) while subtly referencing the brand identity of “O’cean Beverages.”.

This activation aimed to bring fun and surprise to people, especially children, during the holiday season.  Seeing a blue Santa Claus undoubtedly stood out and garnered significant attention, effectively utilising a spot marketing technique.

The social media response to the Blue Santa roadshow was positive, with 10K+ Reel views and 267 post likes.

Overall, this addition showcases BrandOnWheelz’s ability to think outside the box and create unique brand experiences that resonate with the target audience.


The “Spot The O’cean” campaign successfully generated online buzz and reached a broad audience. While engagement on Brandonwheelz’s page could be improved, the high engagement on O’cean Beverages’ page and follower growth on Brandonwheelz’s page indicate positive brand traction.

PR & Media

Here are some potential social media performance highlights that benefited the brand during the campaign, based on the information provided in the press release:

Reach and Impressions:

  • Over 4M digital impressions through reposts and mentions on media channela and social media platforms.
  • The campaign reached at least 500,000 people on the road during the 8-hour roadshow. 


  • An outpouring of positive comments and likes on BrandOnWheelz’s social media pages.
  • Mumbaikars “buzzing” across the city and sharing their experiences on social media.

People eagerly take selfies and pictures with the giant bottle installations

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Brand Awareness:

  • Increased brand awareness through innovative and eye-catching campaigns, particularly among college students.
  • Social media buzz around the campaign likely generated additional brand awareness beyond the immediate reach and impressions.

Overall Performance of O'cean Beverages' Lively Lychee Campaign with BrandOnWheelz

Based on the data provided across various platforms, the O’cean Beverages’ Lively Lychee campaign with BrandOnWheelz have achieved positive results, particularly in terms of engagement and brand awareness. Here’s an overview:


  • High Engagement:
    • Instagram Static Posts: Significant increase in likes compared to average performance suggests the campaign sparked high engagement.
    • Instagram Reels: The campaign reel achieved a significantly higher number of likes compared to the average of other reels, signifying substantial engagement.
    • LinkedIn Post: While not exceptionally high compared to all B2B campaigns, 15,000+ impressions per post and more than  32  reposts indicate positive engagement on LinkedIn.
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  • Press Release: Mentions of “outpouring of positive comments and likes” and “Mumbaikars buzzing” further support the engagement generated.

Increased Brand Awareness:

  • innovative Cab Design and Roadshow: The unique and eye-catching giant bottle displays on cabs likely generated significant brand awareness, especially among college students.
  • Social Media Buzz: The campaign’s popularity on social media likely contributed to increased brand awareness beyond the immediate reach of the campaign.
  • Press Release: Mentions of “BrandOnWheelz made this a reality for O’cean Beverages!” and “thousands of mentions on social media platforms” support increased brand awareness.

Positive Media Coverage: The press release highlights positive media attention, further contributing to brand awareness and potentially influencing brand perception.

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The campaign was covered in prominent and leading media outlets like Adgully & Media4Growth

Contact info

50, 2nd Floor, FCI Mainroad, Dooravani
Nagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka - 560016

+91-90667 74457
+91-93800 39005

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