Car Wrap Advertising In Mumbai

Car Wrap Advertising In Mumbai

Car wrap advertising in Mumbai is an effective way to promote your business, it’s crucial to leverage powerful advertising mediums. Brands are constantly seeking smart advertising options to showcase their brand message and establish a strong brand identity.  When it comes to out-of-home (OOH) advertising, Car Wrap Advertising stands out as a remarkably cost-effective option, capable of creating a profound impact on the audience. Our extensive network and dedicated team span across India, enabling us to seamlessly execute Car Wrap Advertising campaigns. One of our standout success stories is the Ocean Beverages Car Wrap Advertising campaign, orchestrated by BrandonWheelz, which became a massive hit, sparking conversations throughout the town.

Our approach to Car Wrap advertising is distinctive and effective. We employ a meticulous process that involves covering the vehicle with 100-micron exterior vinyl and utilizing eco-solvent printing for custom graphics and vibrant colors. To safeguard the integrity of the wrap and prevent fading, we apply a matte lamination.

Currently, In Mumbai, we are utilizing cars from multiple cab servicing platforms like Ola and Uber for transit advertising.
At Brandonwheelz, we facilitate individuals in strategically planning, acquiring, and overseeing their marketing campaigns through a unified platform. Whether you are looking to tap into the diverse job market, engage in commercial activities, or explore the vibrant sights of the city, our services cater to the dynamic advertising landscape facilitated by the array of taxi services available in Mumbai over the last ten years. We streamline the process, making it convenient for businesses to navigate and execute effective advertising strategies on a singular platform.

Find the power of Brandonwheelz which has gained satisfaction from many brands in Mumbai.  We have done many records in the campaign.  Brandonwheelz is known for experiencing exceptional customer service, impactful brand recall, heightened awareness, and an outstanding return on investment. We provide a remarkable customer experience and ensure a strong impact on your brand.

Why car wrap advertising in Mumbai?

Mumbai’s transportation ecosystem is a well-coordinated blend of both public and private modes, catering to the diverse needs of its massive population. As of 2015, an impressive 52% of commuters in the city actively choose public transportation as their preferred means of getting around. What sets Mumbai apart is its commendable infrastructure, particularly in the realm of buses, making it a standout among major cities in India.

The city takes pride in hosting the most extensive cab transport network, a testament to its commitment to providing efficient and reliable public transit. This system plays a pivotal role in the daily lives of a substantial portion of the population, ensuring a seamless and well-connected commute amid the vibrant urban landscape. Mumbai’s public transport is not just a means of getting from point A to B; it’s a lifeline that enhances the efficiency, accessibility, and overall connectivity of this bustling metropolis, catering to the diverse needs of its residents and visitors alike.

Mumbai, a city with a population ranging from 18.5 million to 21 million, is served by a fleet of approximately 38,000 to 40,000 taxis. This ratio illustrates a unique dynamic in comparison to cities like Chicago, which has around 7,000 cabs catering to a population of 2.7 million. The prevalence of taxis in Mumbai reflects the city’s vibrant and bustling atmosphere, where these vehicles play a significant role in meeting the transportation needs of the densely populated urban environment. The sizable taxi fleet contributes to the accessibility and mobility of Mumbai’s residents and visitors alike, navigating the diverse and dynamic landscape of the metropolis.

Our service includes a wide range of taxi Advertising Services such as UBER/Ola car wrap advertising Services, airport branding, Taxi Branding Car Wrap Advertising, and Auto Branding Services. By availing of our services, you can develop an advertising campaign that targets the right audience and achieves your marketing objectives more effectively.

Experiencing rapid growth over the past decade, Mumbai has dynamically transformed, with the construction of the metro contributing to both progress and challenges. Despite the latter, the city thrives as a pivotal center for innovation and technological advancement.

How is Cab advertising in India being inevitable?

car wrap advertising in India

In the realm of transportation and logistics, app-based taxi services provided by companies like Uber, OLA, BluSmart, Namma Yatri, Rapido Auto, and other e-cabs have become integral to the Mumbai people’s way of life. Cars play a crucial role in the city’s transportation system, navigating through its vast expanse. Monetizing such real estate and leveraging car advertisements have become an exceptional out-of-home advertising format. Branded cars traverse the busiest areas of the city, ensuring exposure to a diverse and concentrated audience.

Our presence in Mumbai enables us to provide top-notch car wrap advertising services to our customers at highly competitive rates. As a dynamic and evolving city, Mumbai offers a fertile ground for impactful advertising strategies, and we are excited to be part of this thriving metropolis.

The Benefits of Cab advertising in India

  • Car wrap advertising in Mumbai
    Guarantees brand awareness and exposure. The eye-catching visual of the car advertisement will be strongly registered in the audience’s mind. Car wrap advertising in Mumbai has the potential to promote products or services, initiate campaigns, generate excitement around an event, or just establish brand awareness for huge reach. Your businesses will reach many audiences with their target demographic and ensure that the brand message will be registered in the minds of the audience by utilizing the power of car wrap advertising in Mumbai. For many Business owners, this method is a great way to generate good ROI 

  • A Flexible Advertising Platform
    The utilization of taxi advertising or car wrap advertising in Mumbai is increasingly prevalent and flexible. Advertisers now have the opportunity to connect effectively and affordably with their target demographic. Car wrap advertising in Mumbai offers essential resources for successful campaigns, allowing for tailored advertising and real-time data insights. This adaptability ensures that brands can reach their desired audience with precision, delivering the right message at the right time. Additionally, the platform is highly customizable and accommodates various budgets, making it an attractive choice for businesses of all sizes.

  • Potential to reach a wider space 
    In urban centers such as Mumbai, utilizing car wrap advertising in Mumbai proves to be an effective method for expanding outreach across a broader geographic area. This approach enables businesses to engage with potential customers and enhance visibility, particularly in challenging-to-access locations. Car wrap advertising serves as a means to connect with commuters who may not be familiar with the products or services offered by businesses. By reaching out to individuals who might not have encountered their brand otherwise, businesses can broaden their customer base. This advertising strategy facilitates targeting people from various parts of the city and even beyond.

  • Cost-effective campaign
    Car wrap advertising is a cost-effective strategy to engage with your target audience. Its affordability and ability to reach specific demographics have contributed to the increasing popularity of car wrap advertising in Mumbai. This advertising approach allows businesses to easily and economically connect with their potential consumers in the city. Car wrap advertising in Mumbai involves placing advertisements on the exterior of a car, be it on the hood, trunk, or side panels. This placement incurs minimal costs while maximizing benefits, as the ads are exposed to thousands of people daily, enhancing visibility and outreach for businesses.

  • Enhanced Brand Exposure:
    Car services are widely utilized by commuters across Mumbai, encompassing both city dwellers and those residing in suburban areas. Implementing a car wrap advertising campaign in Mumbai offers a strategic approach to achieving extensive brand visibility, reaching not only various corners of the city but also suburban locales.

  • Dual Impact Branding:
    A car wrap advertising initiative incorporates both interior and exterior branding, creating a two-fold impact on both passengers and bystanders. Given the traffic congestion on Mumbai’s roads, car branding becomes a potent tool for establishing a profound brand presence among both the individuals inside the vehicle and those observing from outside.

  • Engaging Platform for Brand Recognition:
    Interior advertisements within the car are meticulously crafted to provide viewers with an up-close encounter with the brand. As passengers spend significant time close to these advertisements, car wrap advertising facilitates a deeper influence on consumers. This intimate brand viewing experience has the potential to impact purchasing decisions, given the extended exposure during travel. Moreover, the design of car branding is strategically aimed at piquing the curiosity of customers, eliciting almost immediate responses and interactions. The interactive nature of car wrap advertising thus transforms vehicles into engaging platforms for heightened brand awareness.

What is Car Wrap advertising?

Car Wrap Advertising, also referred to as car branding or cab advertising, is a potent marketing strategy that entails placing advertisements on vehicles. This innovative approach transforms cars into mobile billboards, enabling businesses to connect with a wide audience in urban areas. The effectiveness of car wrap advertising lies in its capacity to maximize brand visibility and leave a lasting impact on viewers. This method has gained increasing popularity due to its ability to generate high levels of brand awareness and capture the attention of potential customers.

By leveraging this distinctive advertising technique, businesses can turn their vehicles into powerful tools for delivering their message directly to the target audience. Car wrap advertising ensures maximum exposure, contributing significantly to overall marketing efforts. The mobile and eye-catching nature of this strategy makes it a dynamic and effective way for businesses to enhance their visibility and engage with their desired customer base.


What is Car Advertising?

Car Advertising is a type of transit media advertising in India that involves showcasing brand advertisements on commercial cabs, such as Ola and Uber. This can be done externally on the four doors or internally, specifically on the backside of the front seat. With the increasing popularity of private taxis in major Indian cities like Bangalore, Jaipur, Mumbai, Bhopal, Kanpur, Nagpur, Chennai, Kochi, Patna, Coimbatore, Kolkata, Pune, Delhi, Kozhikode, Surat, Hyderabad, and Lucknow car advertising has emerged as a contemporary form of transit ads alongside bus branding, auto ads, and metro advertising.

How much does it cost for a car advertising service in India?

Brandonwheelz understands the importance of flexibility in advertising. Our rates vary depending on the chosen city and the number of cars selected for your advertisement campaign. This tailored approach ensures that you get the maximum value for your investment.

What is the minimum order quantity?

100 cars

What material that we use?

We use Vinyl and eco-solvent printing for custom graphics and vibrant colors

Do we need to get any special permissions for launching your campaign in specific cities?

Yes, those processes will be taken care of by the Brandonwheelz team.

What is the minimum duration of the campaign?

The minimum duration of the campaign is one month.

Contact Us

Contact info

50, 2nd Floor, FCI Mainroad, Dooravani
Nagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka - 560016

+91-90667 74457
+91-93800 39005

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